Hello From Sicily ?Italian Studies, A Pottery Lesson And A Hike Up Mount Etna

On a gorgeous morning following a good sleep after last night抯 cooking lesson I woke up at about 6 am and stepped out on the balcony of my hotel room. The sun was just coming up, and the sky was filled with shades of purple and pink. Far away I could see the outline of a strip of land: the Italian mainland, more precisely the Region of Calabria, was visible on this clear day for the first time. The aerial distance between Taormina and the southern tip of Italy is about 40 kilometres, and this sunrise view across the Ionian Sea was simply gorgeous.

I decided to get up early and take a stroll through beautiful Taormina, before the hustle and bustle of the day would kick in. My hotel, Hotel Villa Nettuno, is located on the north side of town on Via Pirandello, outside of the city抯 gates. I really enjoyed the location best fiends hack ios since it was quieter and yet just steps away from the amazingly busy Corso Humberto, Taormina抯 main street in a pedestrian area.

Having strolled through the northeastern Porta di Messina I reached a still quiet piazza in front of the Palazzo Corvaja, seat of the first Sicilian Parliament and today the location of Taormina抯 tourist office. A few of the locals were already up, taxi drivers were getting ready for their first fares, while the pedestrian street of Corso Humberto was still almost completely devoid of people. I reached Taormina抯 main square: Piazza IX Aprile which features a large panoramic terrace facing the Mediterranean and Mount Etna. Two churches, San Giorgio and San Giuseppe, adorn this square, and the famous Torre dell?Orologio (揷lock tower?, featuring the Porta di Mezzo gate, and the famous W黱derbar Caf?anchor this public space on its western side. I could even see most of the volcano today on this relatively clear day. There are not many views that compare with the beautiful vista that spread out in front of me from this lookout point.

My walk on the Corso Umberto continued to the western edge of town where I passed through the Porta di Catania, the western city gate featuring the coat of arms of the Municipality of Taormina. From there I walked to a small park which features another beautiful lookout point that faces straight towards Mount Etna. After absorbing this gorgeous picture and trying to burn it permanently into my retina I started to make my way back, this time along the Via Roma, the picturesque road on the southern edge of town high above the coastline of the Ionian Sea. No wonder Taormina is such a popular tourist destination, the physical beauty of this town and the surrounding area is stunning.

Well, after this hour long walk I definitely deserved my breakfast and reviewed a bit of Italian grammar on the gorgeous terrace of the Hotel Villa Nettuno before I made my way to the Babilonia Language School. Punctually at 9:30 our lesson started and our grammar teacher Carlo familiarized us with the 損reposizioni semplici??the contracted Italian prepositions that are formed from a combination of the actual preposition together with the article. Prepositions are always complicated topics in any language, and Carlo patiently and succinctly explained to us the usage of 搃n?or 損er?to express time in different contexts. We continued with a variety of games to help us remember the use of Italian prepositions, a fun and effective way to learn and retain complicated linguistic concepts.

Just before noon I had an opportunity to complete another interview: Alessandro, Babilonia抯 director, connected me with Donatella Rapisardi, a local Taormina based artist, who provides some of the Pottery Decorating Classes for Babilonia students. For millennia, Sicily has been at fallout shelter cheats tool the confluence of cultures: the Phonecians, Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Normans, Swebians, Spanish and French have all left their imprint in this culturally rich area, and pottery has been an important craft in Sicily for many centuries.

I met Donatella at the local Hotel del Corso, right on Corso Umberto, where she offers pottery decorating classes on the rooftop terrace with a perfect view of the Palazzo del Duca Santo Stefano with Mount Etna as a backdrop. The weather was gorgeous, the sky was blue: I cannot imagine a more scenic location for pottery painting than Donatella抯 rooftop retreat.

Donatella Rapisardi is a gifted local artists who works in a variety of media. She also heads an organization called the 揋rupo Artistico de Perseo?which organizes various exhibitions and art projects throughout town and the entire region. The group consists of five permanent artist members and a number of other affiliated artists that are coordinated by Donatella and her team. In addition to ceramics, Donatella also creates mosaics using marble and different types of stone) and handles wood restoration.

She explained that the pottery decorating lesson starts with plain terracotta pieces such as vases or tiles on which students apply the design they wish to paint. Two different types of processes are used for pottery painting, Donatella explained in her machine gun Italian: 搇avorare a freddo?means that the pieces are painted without firing them, and 搇avorare a caldo?refers to painted pottery pieces that are fired in a kiln to preserve the painting.

Traditional Sicilian colours such as blue, yellow and green are often used in the ceramics decorating process, although the students are completely free to create their own design and colour choices. Donatella guides them, makes suggestions and gives the students advice when they need it. She also explained that the tiles offer an advantage since they are easy to handle and transport and they offer a great surface for landscape images.

The course includes three lessons per week, and is particularly popular with Babilonia language students from Japan and the United States. Donatella added that Japanese students in particular are extremely precise and detail-oriented and very gifted when it comes to applying decorative painting to pottery. This may have something today with their exposure to the popular Japanese tradition of calligraphy.

Often Donatella抯 students become her friends and she invites them into her home and does a culinary exchange: Donatella will create a variety of Sicilian specialties while her students prepare various tasty treats from their home country. She indicated that to this day she receives emails from some of her Japanese students from years ago, and she enjoys it every time when she receives international correspondence from her previous students.

After having lived in Umbria, another beautiful region of Italy, Donatella moved back to Taormina several years ago which she really enjoys and which inspires her creativity. She also teaches children抯 art courses and volunteers for some local schools. She showed me a couple of pieces that had been completed by students and three of her own works of art. I mentioned I would have loved world of tanks blitz cheats to see her studio to see more of her own art. Maybe next time.

Following this interesting side trip another excursion was waiting for me: punctually at 2:30 pm eleven people were assembled in front of the Babilonia Language School, ready to go hiking on Mount Etna whose summit is located at an altitude of over 3200 m. Peppe Celano, Babilonia抯 social activities coordinator and one of the language teachers, was ready to introduce us first-hand to Sicily抯 highest mountain and an active volcano.

As a matter of fact, Mount Etna had just erupted a few days ago on April 30, but unfortunately I did not see it. The eruption was only a few hours long, and one of my co-students saw the red lava stream at night! So today we would see Europe抯 largest volcano up close.

Peppe had rented a small van and a small passenger car to carry all the participants. Our drive to the parking lot on the southern flanks of Mount Etna took about an hour and twenty minutes. We drove through local towns such as Giarre and Zafferana Etna where Peppe explained that near this area the Arabs used to cultivate saffron, hence the name.

The day was overcast and rather cool, a windproof jacket and a nice sweater were definitely in order. We parked our vehicles on a rather isolated parking lot and got ready for our climb. The lower part of our climb took us through a forested area where the leafs were just starting to come out. Not surprisingly, at almost 2000 m of altitude, the plant growing cycle is a little slower, even on a subtropical island such as Sicily.

Peppe explained that the local fauna includes chestnut, oak and birch trees which have all existed here since before the last ice age. We walked single file along a steep narrow path that was punctuated with many roots and stones, right along a precipice with many lookouts towards the famous 揤alle del Bove?(Valley of the Ox), site of layers upon layers of lava flows.

Our steep hike continued for about an hour and took us from 2000 m in altitude to 2400 m to an area with a perfect view, facing the recent lava flows in the Valle del Bove. The summit area of the volcano stretched out right in front of us. Our area was a side summit designated by a cross and a broad natural ledge that our group used as a perfect posing area for our group shots of our conquest of Mount Etna. We spent about half an hour at the top of this side summit, chatting, snapping pictures and generally enjoying our mountain adventure.

On the way down three ladies, one from Switzerland, one from Germany and one from Austria (me) raced down the mountain in about 20 minutes. Coming down was a heck of a lot easier than going up, and almost sprinting down this steep mountainous pathway was rather exhilarating in itself. Once all the other mountaineers arrived we set off to visit a local winery. The 揗urgo?vineyards were just about 15 minutes away, located in the fertile foothills of Mount Etna and many people in our group bought red, white and sparkling wines. An animated discussion followed in the van and by 7 pm we had arrived back in the school.

After a brief refreshment back at the hotel, a group of us met at a local pizzeria called 揟rocadero? right next to the Porta di Messina, where we were going to have a nice dinner. For some of us this Thursday evening was our last night in Taormina; I was going to leave tomorrow night to go to Milazzo while another person was going on an excursion to the Eolian Islands. Most of our group members were leaving Taormina this weekend, and we were all commenting how much we have been enjoying our experience.

Everyone around the table was a German speaker: we had three folks from Germany, two from Switzerland and myself, originally from Austria. Given the linguistic differences throughout the German-speaking countries, we all mentioned that each one of us has to speak 揌ochdeutsch?(Standard German) in order to be understood by the rest of the group. All of us speak fairly strong dialects that would essentially be incomprehensible to German-speakers from other regions, so we get by, speaking the standard version of our language. For me this exposure to other Europeans was really enjoyable. Having lived more than 20 years in Canada, I hardly ever come in contact with German speakers, so this experience of enjoying a nice meal, speaking in my mother tongue, was a definite treat.

By 9:30 pm I started to get really tired since I had already gone on a one-hour walk through Taormina before breakfast, followed by another walk through town to meet Donatella, the pottery decoration artist, capped off by a short yet strenuous hike up Mount Etna. And tomorrow was after all going to be my last day in Taormina, so it was time to rest.

One thing is for sure, when you come to Taormina for language studies you definitely don抰 get bored.

Helicobacter Pylori Infection & Ayurvedic Treatment

H. pylori a type world of tanks blitz hack tool of bacteria, known as Helicobacter pylori is the main cause of H.Pylori infection.
What happens In H.Pylori infection?It is akind of infection that occurs due to the infection in the stomach, which in turn is caused by H.pylori bacteria. The disorder usually occurs in childhood but may occur at any age. The infection is also one of a major cause of peptic ulcers too. And this problem is one of the most common health problems in the world. Hence, it must be treated well before it pose a serious risk of any other health problem.
What are the symptoms of H. Pylori infection?Most of the times, the symptoms go unnoticed. An infected person may never have any symptoms or signs for the same. While the some may experience the following listed signs.

* Burning sensation in the abdomen.
* more information Pain in the abdomen.
* Loss of appetite and nausea.
* Sudden weight loss.
* Bloating.
* Burping.What are the causes of H.pylori infection?The exact cause of this infection is not known till now. Butit is believed, that the infection may spread from person to person via direct contact through saliva or by vomit or by faecal matter even. The infection may also be spread by contaminated food or water as well.
There are some risk factors also for this infection that are described below1. best fiends hack tool A person living in the crowded place like if he is living with so many people in a single home, is at high risk for the same infection.
2. If you are not having a supply of clean water, then also you are at risk.
3. If you are living where unsanitary conditions are common in the surrounding areas, then also you are at risk.
4. If you make a direct contact with already infected person, then, you are at high risk of developing this infection.
When to call your doctor?If you are experiencing any such symptoms of this infection, then it is the time to call your doctor. If you are having difficulty in swallowing the food or you are suffering from bloody and dark colored stools or you are doing vomiting with blood or coffee like grounds, then seek immediate medical help.
What are the tests that can help to confirm the diagnosis?A simple blood test can help a doctor to confirm the infection. While the breath test and stool test are another great option to confirm the diagnosis. In a breath test, a patient is asked to swallow a pill or liquid that contains carbon molecules in it. When the solution breaks down in the stomach, carbon is released if you are suffering from this infection. The stool test helps in identifying any foreign antigens that are associated with the H.Pyloriinfection.
What are the treatment options available?No doubt, a number of medications are there to manage the infection. But these alternative medications or drugs causes side effects too. There is another safe treatment option – Ayurvedic treatment for H.pylori infection.
Treatment of H.pylori infection by AyurvedaAyurveda is a natural way to treat any disorder without giving side effects. Being natural, it is safe for everyone. Ayurveda helps to treat any health problem by balancing the aggravated doshas of the body.
According to Ayurveda, this infection occurs due to the aggravation of the pitta dosha. The infection begins with the problem of acidity which in turn is known as Amla pitta in Ayurveda.
Hence treatment involves the balancing of the pitta dosha of the body. Ayurveda balances the doshas with the natural herbs. The treatment gives equal importance to healthy food and regular exercise as well.

Heiken Ashi – more effective and illustrative image than the typical candlestick chart

Heiken Ashi charts are used by investors to accurately predict and identify trends in the market (usually of securities/commodities). They use very specific formulas and numbers to find the open, close, high and low prices over a certain period of trading (from hourly to daily to weekly to monthly or longer) in order to choose the safest or soundest investments, especially in a fluctuating or volatile market as exists currently across the globe. Heiken Ashi are a type of candlestick chart, using a combination of bar and line charts to narrow down numbers and truly see where a price is headed. That is why Heiken Ashi, also have the appearance of candles, with the bar (candle), line (wick) and shading and shadowing that actually takes the calculation past that of a traditional candlestick chart world of tanks blitz hack tool.
Heiken Ashi figure out 4 main numbers for the specified period of time: high (highest of the open, close and/or high price); low (lowest of the open, close or low price); open (average of the previous bars’ open and close); and close (average of high, low, open and close). From these numbers, the chart is drawn and the images of the bars, wicks share our website and shadowing will provide a number of conclusions to the attentive analyst. Downward trends will be shown by filled in bars or candles. Upward trends will be empty or white bars.
The resulting chart will show five different conditions that will tell the financier whether or not to invest or maintain your investments. First and most desirable, an empty or white candle with no shadows is a very favorable or bullish market that should either be bought into or maintained. An empty candle with slight shadows at the top means that longer investments should be kept, but shorter positions might be left. A candle with shadowing at both the top and bottom means change is coming. Conservative traders will hold their position while the gambling investor might buy or sell even with the risk, based on previous trends and the assumptions to be made. Dark or filled bars (candles) mean things are about to trend down, so any larger or longer investments should be left. A dark candle with no shadows at the top mean the downward trend is coming strong and probably heading down much further.
The specific formula used to construct the four numbers and the resultant calculations, lines and shading make the Heiken Ashi a more effective and illustrative image than the typical candlestick chart of what is happening and why with the prices and trading of certain commodities. The numbers will be more accurate and reliable because of the use of averages. Slight changes will not be as visible, so a short or temporary change that might be misleading on a candlestick chart will not be as prominent on the Heiken Ashi.
The Heiken Ashi chart allows for more accurate www.colorswitchhacks.club/generator/ predictions of change and price, giving long term or large scale investors a clearer visual of what is happening, why and whether or not to make a purchase based on the specific indicators derived for this kind of chart.

Hedging – Important Points To Consider

There are many types world of tanks blitz hack tool of plant categories including flowering plants, fruit trees, ferns and palm trees – to name but a few. Hedging plants are a type of plant that is normally used for screening, as dividers or even as windbreakers. There are a variety of plants that are suitable to be used as hedges and therefore your selection will depend on whether you need the hedge to block traffic or whether you need it to beautify your garden.

Types of hedges

If you need a high hedge, conifer varieties are recommended while buxus varieties are ideal for lower hedges. Buxus are also used to grow box hedges. Acacia Cognata and Lily Pily are native Australian hedges which are an interesting new alternative for hedging. Other types of hedges include evergreen flowering hedges and lavender or rosemary, which are low growing types. Clumping bamboo is a good choice for screening or for use as a boundary plant. You can use hedging plants as topiary, a practice in which the foliage of the shrub is clipped to a distinct shape to beautify the landscape and give an interesting appearance. Hedging plants are ideal for topiary due to their tiny leaves and bushy foliage.

Online buying

Buying hedges online has its benefits if done right. There are a host of websites featuring different growers who sell online with different plants at different price ranges. You can sometimes gardenscapes cheats android get a good offer when there is a sale at the fallout shelter hack tool end of a season and the growers have excess stock. Most websites allow you to sign up for periodic newsletters which inform you of the latest catalogues and also inform you of any current sales you can take advantage of. When you buy in bulk, you are also given a special discount, allowing you to save a substantial amount of money.

Making a purchasing decision

When selecting the plant to be used for hedging, ensure that the plant is compatible with the climate type and soil type in your site, since there are hedges that do well in sunny areas while others thrive in shaded places. It is also advisable that you make your purchase from a reputable nursery to get the best plants available. To get the best results, try to buy plants being sold during the dormant season. Once the plants are delivered to your site, you should examine them to make sure they are in good shape; otherwise you should promptly notify the seller so that arrangements for a replacement can be made. Make sure to plant as soon as you can to get maximum growth from the plants, while following the planting instructions provided.

Maintenance of the hedge

It is a good idea to prune your new hedge regularly once your desired height is reached, and not wait for it to reach its maximum height since most of the thickness is found at the top of the bush. Once the required height has been established, you will only need to prune twice or thrice a year. Flowering hedges should be pruned after flowering has taken place, and you should ensure that the hedge is watered evenly.